SAC's First Responders Academy dedicates new home


Office of Marketing & Strategic Communications

圣安东尼奥学院在阿塔斯科萨附近为第一反应学院的新家举行了奉献仪式, 德州. 2000万美元, 最先进的管理和培训设施是SAC保护服务学术部门的核心.

First Responders Web 1.jpg新32,该项目始于1969年,最初是通过向当地警察和消防部门租用教室和借用设备,这座占地5000平方英尺的建筑是该项目发展的最新里程碑.

The First Responders Academy will serve a trio of programs at SAC. 执法学院和区域消防学院将共享新楼的空间和资源. 应急管理/国土安全项目将在那里开设几门课程,但仍将设在SAC的主校区.

新设施是十大网赌正规网址官网2008年购买的53英亩土地上拔地而起的综合学院的一部分. 当时, 该物业的第一个结构是用于消防训练的混凝土块“燃烧建筑”, followed by a series of modular, portable buildings still used as classrooms and offices.

随着时间的推移, SAC added other structures, 包括一个消防站,供卡车和设备使用,还有一个被称为“洋葱”的纤维覆盖的弹簧建筑,用作健身房.

The older buildings are tucked into a corner at the rear of the academy property, which is just south of Von Ormy. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 建筑前部的新设施非常显眼,毗邻35号州际公路的南行通道. 它的玻璃和钢铁入口和红砖立面模仿了SAC主校区大多数建筑的外观.


在我看来, this new building takes us to that next level of professionalism," said Frank Poyner, chief of SAC's Regional Fire Academy. "I've got three brand-new classrooms for my academy and better space for all of my employees, 管理员, 和工作人员."

responders Academy web 3.jpg在新大楼的一长串设施中,最耀眼的是它的高科技“战术室”." Designed for use by police and fire trainees, 两层楼的, 8,250平方英尺的空间设有12个模块化房间,可以模拟从酒店房间到教室的一切. Overhead, a steel catwalk provides a viewing platform for 教练 and other observers. 通往t台的金属楼梯也可供学员在各种恶劣条件下独自或组队上下楼梯井进行练习.

一个强大的扬声器系统为教官提供了一种方式,可以给参与者指示方向,或者在模拟搜救情况下提高噪音音量,以提高紧张程度. Lights can be cranked up to maximum brightness, down to total darkness, or triggered to flash like strobe lights. 


"When the training is over, 我们可以把整个团队带出来,回放视频,向他们展示他们做对了什么, what they did wrong, and where they can improve," said Rolando Barrientez, the director of SAC's Law Enforcement Academy.

直到现在, 该学院使用了一些模块化教室进行情境训练,但缺乏空间和资源使其尽可能地切合实际和有效.

"Our tactical room changes the training," Barrientez said. "It magnifies our capabilities to be able to offer a student even more real-life experiences.

“离我们最近的有类似战术室的学院是奥斯汀社区学院. We are looking not only to train our officer candidates, but to be able to do educational development for local law enforcement agencies as well."

First Responders Academy web 2.jpg Everything else at the new facility is equally impressive.

The front doors at the main entrance open into a cavernous, two-story atrium. It's furnished with tables, 椅子, 在一排微波炉和冰箱前,还有一个长长的工作台面,供舒适的晚餐休息和其他聚会使用.

A receptionist's desk sits off to the side, just outside a door leading to the offices for academy directors, 教练, and other rooms with tables, 椅子, and computer workstations for adjunct personnel.

Wide corridors throughout the building lead to a series of classrooms, each one outfitted with TVs, projection screens, and cameras to record meetings and training seminars. The largest classroom can seat up to 80 people, more than double the capacity of any of the modular buildings.

Deep in the heart of the new building, an armory room with steel doors, wire mesh barriers, 加强的墙壁为执法培训项目中使用的手枪和霰弹枪提供了安全的储存和分发. It's another big step up from the academy's old armory. Fashioned from a used shipping container reinforced with sheets of steel, it was secure – but not climate-controlled.

FRA教室网站.jpgAside from all of the major improvements the new building brings, it might just be the little things that are most appreciated by the staff and students. Like new bathrooms and larger locker rooms, for instance.


In addition to the new building, the academy's capital improvement projects included the construction of an outdoor, concrete driving "pad.该学院过去曾租用停车场,以便其警察学员学习超速时的防御性驾驶, 编织, and braking on courses laid out with traffic cones. Poyner, the fire academy chief, 新款240说,占地5000平方英尺的场地有足够的空间让他的项目推出驾驶员-操作员认证项目,并向当地消防部门开放.

“我们在这里努力建设和前进的方向是,我们真的想成为消防员和执法部门培训的尖端,Poyner说. "We want that reputation of being, 'Oh, you want to be a firefighter? You want to be a law enforcement officer? You need to go to SAC, because they've got a great facility and a great program.'"


To see a collection of photos from the dedication ceremony, as well as a short video from the First Responders Academy, 请访问 这个链接 to a Dropbox folder.